12 Major Scales Piano Pdf Notes

2020. 2. 24. 10:33카테고리 없음

The 12 Major Scales Tutorial Scales provide the foundation for understanding harmony and learning the 12 major scales is a fundamental step in learning jazz piano. When we play a piece of music using the notes of a particular scale, we say that we are playing in that key. For example, if we are playing a piece of music using just the notes from the C major scale, we are playing in the key of C.

Downloadable Lesson Supplement Download this free PDF containing the major scales in all 12 keys. Further Scale Study All of the major scales contain 7 notes. However, you will also come across scales that contain 5, 6 and even 8 notes — more on these in other lessons. The most effective way to learn the 12 major scales is through using the circle of fifths.

The circle of fifths is a handy diagram that shows which keys are most closely related to each other on the piano. If you are just starting out with jazz piano scale study, the first step is to learn the 12 major scales.

Many interesting sounding modes can be derived from the major scale and so spending adequate time to memorise them will give you strong foundations for further scale study. If you don’t have these 12 major scales completely memorized then you should be working on them every day until you do. This is important so don’t skip this.


It’s very important to learn the major scales numerically. Learn the notes of each scale as 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 and back to 1. Learning the scales numerically is essential for your study of more advanced harmony. Test yourself whilst away from the piano.

Ask yourself: ' what's the 4th of Ab Major' or ' what's the 6th of D Major'. If it take you longer than a second or 2 to get the answer, then you don't know your scales numerically!. When you're next at the piano, revisit that scale and learn the numbers. In jazz, it's far more effective to think in terms of numbers than actual note names.

The numbers give you the formula to apply the chord, scale, voicing, lick or line to any key. It's basically a shortcut. Hi Marc, sure thing leave it with me. Start by learning them in 1 hand.

Major Scales In Piano

Each major and minor scale has 7 notes and you should try to learn these numerically. So for example, C Major: C(1) D(2) E(3) F(4) G(5) A(6) B(7) This is important and will help you when you come to build chords. Also understand that the 2 is the 9 the 4 is the 11 and the 6 is the 13. So in C major, D is the 2nd note of the scale, but it is also the 9. Does this make sense?

Check out this lesson for more information: If you wanted to find the 9 of C major, it’s much easier to count up to the 2nd degree of the scale than it is to count up to the 9th degree – the same applies to the 11(4) and the 13(6). You can also practice it away from the piano by asking yourself, “what’s the 5th of Ab Major” or “what’s the 13th of C Major” etc. I would recommend quizzing yourself on this as much as you can so that you become familiar with the scale degrees and extensions in all 12 major and minor keys.

All the best, Hayden. Hi Marc, That can be a good exercise to familiarise yourself with the scales and the notes they contain. However, simply playing up and down scales is a very ‘classical’ approach. You could also harmonise the scales using different intervals. For example, play the scale in 3rds, 4ths, 5ths, 6ths, 7ths. You could also play the diatonic triads of the scale and next the diatonic 7th chords.

Remember to play musically simply running up and down the scale is not very musical. Make sure you are listening to your favourite jazz musicians every day. Take any rhythm that they play and apply it to the notes in your scale. If you would like to add chords in your left hand, you can play left hand voicings under each scale. Also try to play the chord scales in a 251 with the voicings underneath. Check out these lessons: – Rootless 251 Progression: – Major Scale Modes: Cheers, Hayden.

Hi hayden Thank you for your answer. When you say: play the scale with 3rds: you say that I must play C and E at the same time then D and F at the same time or separetely C then E then D then F.? Can you show me with the scale of C major with the right hand, how to play the II V I with the left hand? I am a beginner in jazz and I search the best method for a BEGINNER to practise ear training ( reproduce what I listen at the piano). It is very difficult for me. Do you know a CD of jazz music with little examples very easy to reproduce at the piano? Hi Marc, yes that is correct, you can play them at the same time, or you could also play broken thirds where you play them separately.

Check out this lesson on creating a practice schedule, I talk about how to practice 251s with a lick in the right hand: Ear training is very difficult to begin with, but it gets much easier. Watch my lesson on Transcription for more information on how to transcribe lines. You should pick something that you personally like the sound of by your favourite jazz players: – Try listening to some Bill Evans or Chet Baker and reproduce what you like:-) Hope this helps, Hayden. Hi Marc, Just signed up as Jazz pro member. Not a complete beginner to music as have been playing clarinet for years (but not jazz as never put in the effort to learn the theory) I now want to learn jazz piano. I did first lesson on major scales. Before i progress on to the 2nd lesson minor scales and beyond.

How literally should i take your advice to know everything off by heart at this stage? Ie, should I know absolutely all of the scales and circle of 5ths plus numbers of notes off by heart with fingers and mind before i move to lesson 2? Or can I still carry on and just make sure i work on this daily as well as the new lessons. Please be honest, Im willing to do what it takes. Hey Sarah, yes welcome to PianoGroove Pro!

By all means carry on with other lessons but if you don’t know the major scales you should be practicing them every day until you have them memorised. Just allocate 1/4 of your practice time to major scales.


Make sure you don’t start with C Major every time. Mix up the key you start on so that you are practicing the different keys equally. For example start on F# Major and then move around the circle from there. I will send you an email now with more information on the ‘essential theory’. Also spend time studying the jazz standard lesson – I’d say allocate half of your practice time to jazz standards. The theory may be over your head to begin with, but this is the best way to learn it will make sense with time.

Start with the following jazz standards: How to Read Lead Sheets: Tenderly Tutorial: Misty Tutorial: and then move onto others. I do always try to reference the theory lessons when i apply certain topics so listen out for these cues and then you can look up the relevant theory where applicable. Above anything else choose the jazz standards you like the sound of and that you want to play This should be enjoyable after all!

Look out for my email Sarah:-) Cheers, Hayden. Hi Ronny, thanks for getting in touch. Much of what you outline, such as contrary motion and playing scales in different intervals, is more of a classical piano exercise aimed at improving finger dexterity.

If you would like to work on those areas, here are some other resources you can find on Google: The main purpose of this lesson is to understand the relationship between scales and key signatures and furthermore, the importance of learning and memorising scales numerically to get a better understanding of major scale harmony. Once you have internalised this information, you will then have the foundations in place to explore extended harmony, altered harmony and modal harmony. You will find lessons on these topics on the website.

In the future we may add lessons on the areas you highlight, but if that’s the kind of stuff you want to work on, I would recommend finding a classical piano teacher. Hope this helps.

All Piano Scales Pdf

Cheers, Hayden. Hi Harper, Apologies for the late reply I missed the notification for this comment. At this stage I would recommend that you just focus on your right hand. It’s very important that you learn the 12 major scales numerically. This will give you a numeric understanding of harmony which is more functional as you can then apply patterns, or chord structures to all 12 keys.

12 Major Scales Sheet

You can test yourself on this whilst away from the piano, for example, ask yourself “what is the 6th of Ab Major” or “What is the 4th of G Major” you need to get to the point where you can identify the note immediately immediately. Hope this helps and any other questions, just let me know:-) Cheers, Hayden.